Monday, October 15, 2012

Mr. Pilates Man.....

...plz don't read this for I fear I will pay dearly for it when I get back.....

Interruption for a brief bit of loveliness!

Must throw this in even tho it will interrupt the flow of the days as they ocurred!!

This morning, on my way to book train tickets for the trip to the piazza commune (monday morning, 10-15). Most people, including myself, find beauty in art, in photography, in meeting new people............but come on, ya'll know me. I also find beauty in food!!!!! Just take a look at this piece of art!

My regular cappucino with the most mouth watering, flaky, light, creamy, semi-fredi, chocolatey concoction one could ever put into one's mouth!!! did I use enough adjectives there?!!!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ok, back to chronological order in the way they happened!


  1. Mouth is waaaaaaaaatering!!!! I mean really yum!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
